Beginning in 1995, LEATHERWOODS opened up the back of our Comic Shop to a music venue where local and regional musicians and music lovers could gather and enjoy and evening of live, acoustic bluegrass and gospel music.
For the next 12 years and over 600 performances, LEATHERWOODS presented over 200 different local, regional and international bands and musicians on the stage of the OPRY every Saturday night in Uptown Shelby.
This digital album provided as a reminder of the great music, musicians, music lovers and friends who passed through the doors of the OPRY.
We hope you enjoy traveling back in time to experience some of your favorite bands and music and if, by some chance you missed the magic of the OPRY, here is a taste of what we all grew to know and love as our Saturday night get-together.
Please enjoy and watch for continuing up-dates and additions to the pictures and other media.
Big Daddy Bluegrass Band with Bryon and Steve McMurry, Larry and Jenny Keel, Curtis Burch, Billy Constable and Dr. Bobby Jones
Buncombe Turnpike
RIGHT TRACK The Burgess Family
Chatham County Line
Darin and Brooke Aldridge and the Harris Brothers
FLINT HILL Bluegrass Band
FRAGMENT from Czech and Slovak Republics
LOST & FOUND Bluegrass Band
Steep Canyon Rangers
STRAIGHT and NARROW with Darin Aldridge, Dean Jenks, Harold Simpson and Ronnie Sain